Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bringing the Outdoors In

Seriously, this blog should be called "Creatively Me & My MOM" I love bouncing ideas off of her. On Sunday, we were playing around with the tablescape for our family dinner. Because it was a last minute idea, we used simple things we had lying around the house.... but honestly, some of the cutest tablescapes are the ones that are simplistic and inexpensive.  We brought the outdoors in and added a little fun to the kitchen table.
 fresh meadow tea

candles, terracotta pot holders & coffee beans

 {this is my favorite part} 
my dad drilled some holes in pieces of birchwood  then we stuck in some fern leaves

I hope our little project sparked some inspiration, happy tablescaping!


  1. braittany!i love your blog!i only wish i was so creative.and your signs!!!there incredible.i keep telling myself im gana learn how to make them someday but that someday has yet to come!!thanks for sharing all this!:)keep blogging:)

  2. "Creatively Me and My Mom"...funny, Britt! I think I've probably commented on every one of your posts, but such great ideas you have! I need to work on some "tablescaping" on our dining room table. I have ideas, I just need to do it! (finding the time is always the problem) Anyway, looks great, and thanks for sharing your ideas.

  3. Britt....your ideas are beautiful! So glad I stopped by for a look. Will be waiting for your new posts! And I just want to say again.... you are so the wedding pics at the top of your page!!!!!!!!!!
    If ya ever want to stop by my "less-than-creative blog".... it is Mostly pictures of the kids.
    Take care ~ Lindsey
